Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lost in Space for a Time...

Sorry that I have not posted much in some time, I have sort of been lost in space for a few weeks. It has been a busy couple of weeks for me but things are starting to calm down slightly now so I should be able to post a little more often again.

We began our Summer Star Party Season last week with the first of the Oak Flat Star Parties; it was a big success (I think) despite it being a little cold (downright chilly). I was so excited about the evening being clear and there being such a large crowd for our first event that I completely forgot to walk around and count all the telescopes that were set up, I would guess that we had somewhere around 20 or so telescopes. We had 2 groups of Boy Scouts and one group of Girl Scouts come out for this star party and learn a little about telescopes and some of the things you can see in the night sky. Overall we had more than 100 visitors, making it a very successful star party.

Due to some scheduling misunderstandings we did not have our usual enchilada dinner provided by the Jaclyn, a forest service volunteer, but I did talk to her and she is aware of the date for next month and is looking forward to providing the enchiladas then (I can hardly wait). The Girl Scouts did not disappoint however, they came out early and had a cookout then made smores (using Girl Scout cookies) and provided a very nice sweet treat to those setting up telescopes (we should invite them more often).

As the sun began to go down we gathered all the kids and their adults up and had a nice conversation prior to observing, we talked about TAAS and what we do, we discussed how telescopes work and what to do and what not to do when observing through them, we then talked about some of the things you would be able to see this evening and then covered flashlights with red cellophane to protect or night vision and then waited for the sky to darken enough for us to enjoy the wonders of the night sky. Observing began and we enjoyed terrific views of Venus, Mars, Saturn and many more deep sky objects through the evening.

At about 9:30pm we gathered at the center of the observing field and I did a constellation tour, showing people some of the constellations visible and telling some of the stories that go along with them. There were lots of questions and I think everyone had a good time and enjoyed the stories, and as they always are they loved the green laser allowing them to see the stars I was talking about. When I pointed out Leo the lion in the sky, one kid asked what his story was, “Why was the lion in the sky?” I did not know, I told him this and said I would have to find out why so next time I could tell them. I did find out why and if you read the Presidents Message in the May newsletter I explain the story behind Leo and next time I do a constellation tour and someone asks why the lion is there I can tell them.

We have another star party coming up on May 22nd, the Albuquerque Open Space Visitor Center Star Party, I am attaching the poster for this one here so please let all your friends know about it and I hope to see you there. Now go out and look up and enjoy the wonders of the New Mexico sky.

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