Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where is the Sid Times...

To all TAAS members,

Some of you may have noticed that the June issue of the Sidereal Times is a little behind schedule, I would like to take a moment to explain the reason for this and make sure everyone is aware of some upcoming events and meetings.

As you all know this organization is run entirely by volunteers who work hard to make things happen and because of this we may run into some glitches due to things that are not within our control (for the most part). A few weeks ago I was notified that Gary Cooper's, our newsletter editor, home was broken into and the computer used to create our newsletter was stolen, it is being replaced as I write this email. Unfortunately I was also just informed that Gary has had to leave town to tend to an ailing relative and may be gone for a little while. I regret that the newsletter may be delayed but I would like Gary to understand that he should deal with the issue at hand and not worry about TAAS we will manage until his return. I ask that everyone please be patient regarding the newsletter and if you have questions or comments please contact me directly, if the meantime I will work to make sure everyone is notified about upcoming events and meetings via the listserve and the official Board Email list (for those not on the listserve).

Our next General Meeting will take place on Saturday, June 26th at Regener Hall beginning at 7:00pm. We will also be offering another Astronomy 101 session prior to the June meeting, the 101 will begin at 6:00pm also at Regener Hall.

Astronomy 101 will go over Star Hopping (more information will be coming), Dave Pitonzo will discuss how to use stars to find your way around the night sky.

The June General Meeting will be turned over to the young astronomers among us. TAAS again this year presented several awards to astronomy related projects at the recent NM Regional Science Fair and while in years past the astronomy related projects were few, this year proved to have an exceptional amount of astronomy projects. Because of the abundance of projects TAAS presented a total of 8 awards so we have requested that the students bring their projects to this meeting and present them to us giving our members an opportunity to discuss their research with them. We will be presenting their awards to them we hope you will join us in celebrating their interest in astronomy.

The July General Meeting has been moved to July 17th and will be held at Oak Flat prior to the Oak Flat Star Party. TAAS will provide the main dish and we will be asking everyone else to provide a side or desert to be shared by all. More information will come regarding this event but please mark your calendars and make sure that you plan on attending.

Again, I thank you all for your patience and understanding regarding the newsletter and if you have any questions or comments please contact me directly.

Robert Williams
TAAS President

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